
A complete guide for getting started with NextGen.

Introduction to NextGen

NextGen is a series of contracts whose purpose is to explore:

  • More experimental directions in generative art and

  • Other non-art use cases of 100% on-chain NFTs

At a high-level, you can think of NextGen as:

  • A classic on-chain generative contract with extended functionality

  • With the phase-based, allowlist-based, delegation-based minting philosophy of The Memes

  • With the ability to pass arbitrary data to the contract for specific addresses to customize the outputs

  • With a wide range of minting models, each of which can be assigned to a phase

Let's start with some introductions to important foundational concepts. If you are already familiar with these terms, feel free to use the navigation on the right to jump to the section of this guide most relevant to you.

Intro to Generative Art

Generative art is a type of art the is created in whole or in part with the use of autonomous systems that that define rules for art production. Generative art can incorporate randomness, algorithms, geometry, and more to produce completely unique results unlike anything else that exists. The artwork becomes a collaboration between the computer and the artist

Artists construct scripts with defined parameters that introduce a range of possible characteristics. The way each characteristic is expressed is determined by the artist's algorithm, with each characteristic expression combining in the final artwork. With the generative minting technology of NextGen, collectors become part of the art creation process. The final design of a piece remains unknown until itโ€™s minted, even to the artist. Each NFT is produced at the moment of sale using the purchaserโ€™s unique transaction hash to influence the algorithm generating the art. This process creates a unique item and adds an extra touch of enchantment as both creator and collector witness a project taking shape.

What makes modern generative art intriguing is its emphasis on working in series, often extensive ones. Rather than striving for a single captivating artwork, a generative artist develops an algorithm capable of producing tens, hundreds, or even thousands of captivating artworks. When viewed collectively, these works express the spectrum of possibilities inherent in a single algorithm.

Intro to NFTs

NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique digital assets that exist on a blockchain. NFTs are assigned unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from other tokens.

NFTs are created through a process called minting, where the data of the NFT is recorded on the blockchain. This often involves incorporating smart contracts that assign ownership and manage the transferability of the NFT.

On-chain vs. off-chain NFTs

On-chain NFTs store their smart contract as well as their metadata information on the blockchain.

Off-chain NFTs host their smart contracts on the blockchain but their metadata are stored off-chain either in cloud servers or IPFS nodes.

NextGen provides the ability to switch between on-chain and off-chain data.

Intro to NextGen smart contract architecture

NextGen consists of a set of smart contracts that allows you to create multiple ERC721 collections under a single smart contract address. The NextGen architecture is divided into 4 main smart contracts: Core, Minter, Admin and Randomizer. The Core contract integrates with the other contracts to provide flexible, adjustable, and scalable functionality.

Getting Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to more fully understand NextGen's capabilities, and the process of applying as an artist.

Last updated